Thursday, 25 December 2014

Women's Fitness Training Program Can Help You To Get That Dream Figure

Are you sick and tired of that bulky figure, due to consumption of fatty food products? Do you want to get rid of extra calories, by curbing down the fatty molecules? If the answer is yes, try and go for the fitness training programs. Specially designed for women, you just need to enroll your name with the fitness routines, and let the professionals help you with the best results. All you need to do is just follow the exercising routines religiously, without missing a day. You will come in touch with your favorable physique, within few months’ time.

Following the procedure

The procedures of Women’s fitness training program are more or less simple and come in an affordable rate. For the primary step, you need to come in contact with the trainers as they are ready to guide you through the entire procedure. After checking your present body conditions, they will offer the best weight training program. You will be guided from the scratch, till the time when you have gained a proper physique.

Last steps to follow

After you have successfully completed the weight training procedure, the next segment is to deal with the cardio programs. Here, the main pressure will be on your health, and they are going to measure your heart rates, first. Reliable and reputed women's fitness center in California will then offer you with a perfect nutritional chart. Make sure to go through the leading nutritional dietary plans first, before taking help of the final accountability. These will not only help you to gain a perfect body, but maintain it permanently.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Women’s Fitness Training Center in California and Colorado

The very concept of a women’s fitness center has changed throughout the USA. Today whether you visit the women’s fitness center in California or the one in Colorado and elsewhere you will see a marked change when compared with other fitness centers.

 The reason why the women’s fitness center in Colorado is not the same kind of gym is that the fitness centers are all being driven with zeal and a determination to excel in product quality. All these fitness centers have a common driving force. Here all the physical trainers share a common purpose to empower all women at the center through body transformation. You will find that they all treat their customers just as they would treat family. They evidently love what they do and all share a common passion for health and fitness.

The women’s fitness center in California and Colorado and indeed all the other states are dedicated to helping women achieve their fitness goals. If you are also similarly dedicated you may apply for a franchise just like the women’s fitness center in Colorado.
At all these fitness centers the common fitness program consists of four phases. In the first phase each trainee is expected to lose 2000 calories each week during weight training sessions. In the second phase during the cardio sessions the trainees similarly will lose around 600 calories each week besides increasing their good cholesterol, lowering their blood pressure, burning fat and getting their hearts in shape. During the third phase of nutrition plan each trainee will be guided in the kind of diet she should follow while in the accountability phase trainees will be held accountable by their certified personal trainers toward their health and fitness goals.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Fitness Training Program For Today’s Women

There is a new philosophy in the creation of a women’s fitness center these days. A service provider known as today is taking the world of fitness centers by storm. The company has a unique kind of women’s fitness training program that involves various phases. These phases include weight training, cardio, nutrition and accountability. But, what is truly different with this new concept is that already there are several fitness centers for women all over the USA. As a matter of fact you can also opt for owning a franchise women’s fitness center in a city of your choice after undergoing the program. 

There is a vision that the management shares with all team members. This vision is ultimately to open 5000 training centers all over the world by 2036. This will be achieved by making this the perfect franchise model ever. The professional team of trainers has only one purpose. This is to empower women through body transformation. Towards this endeavor the team members at the women’s fitness centers have core values that include loving what they do, learning continually, treating customers like family and having a passion for health and fitness. 

The women’s fitness training program created is just perfect for women. In Part 1 of the program 2000 calories per week are burnt due to weight training and the body’s metabolic response to it. The second phase is that of cardiovascular training in which one will burn roughly 600 calories each week. Besides, the interval training used will help lower blood pressure and heart rate, increase the good cholesterol besides getting you and your heart into shape. The nutrition program is next wherein the trainee is taught what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. In the final phase each trainee is held accountable by her trainer for the achievement of the fitness goal set.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Features of An Ideal Women’s Fitness Training Program

The anatomy of a woman’s body differs strikingly from that of a man. A woman's body is far tenderer and does not look as great in a chiseled muscular body as that of a man. As a result, it is definitely recommended for females to join a women’s fitness center instead of just any other existing out there. Moreover, you must religiously follow the women's fitness training program for the entire intended term for positive results.

Typical women’s fitness center is sensitive to a woman’s anatomy. Ideally speaking, the training center prescribes nothing more than a fine blend of weight training, cardio exercises, good diet and regular self- monitoring for complete woman’s body fitness.

The women’s fitness training program is offered in small groups comprising of not more than 4 women attending one session together with a trainer. It takes off with weight training sessions for some time. Weights chosen to suit a woman’s anatomy are given to the participants to help them increase their metabolism. A doable target is fixed. Three times a week, at 5 pounds of muscle toning on an average, target is to burn 2000 calories per week.

In subsequent weeks, cardio workouts are introduced on interval training basis. In other words, participants are required to perform interval-training cardio exercises three times in a week. Thus, the participants get set to burn about 600 calories in a week, besides having a healthier heart, lower blood pressure and increased good cholesterol.

In addition, right nutrition and self-imposed discipline renders the training program foolproof and quite achievable for an average woman.