Thursday, 28 May 2015

Running A Franchise Women’s Fitness Center in California

There is a chain of women’s fitness centers all over the US today that is now shaping to be the best franchise model at par with global standards. There is therefore a women’s fitness center in California as there are such centers in Minnesota, Florida, Illinois, Tennessee and Missouri. What makes these fitness centers different compared to those one might have seen elsewhere is that there is a sense of commitment in the personal trainers.

The fitness organization was set up in 2006 when the first studio was opened. The purpose that is behind this chain of fitness centers is to empower women through body transformation. The aim of the management is to have 5000 of these franchises throughout the world, the basic intention being to make this the global model among fitness franchises. The core values reflected by the personal trainers are that all of them have a passion for health and fitness while they treat their customers just like family.

Basically, all fitness centers such as the women’s fitness center in California have a common program. This program is divided into four parts. The first of these parts is the weight training program, the second being the cardio program for women. These two are followed by nutrition program wherein all participants are taught what to eat, how much and at what frequency to eat. In the final phase of the fitness program all participants are held accountable by their personal trainers for their progress towards their health and fitness goals. If you are dedicated to helping women achieve their fitness goals it is possible for you to take a franchise fitness center in a city of your choice. You will be given total support in order to succeed.

Monday, 18 May 2015

The Women’s Fitness Center in Minnesota Helps Women Attain Their Fitness Goals

The women’s fitness center in Minnesota or the ones in California, Missouri and Florida among many other states in the US are all created as franchises with a vision. The vision is that of the founder who created the first fitness center in 2006. The basic purpose of the organizer in creating this chain of women’s fitness centers was to empower women through body transformation. 

These fitness centers are totally unlike all the other gyms and diet centers. These are built on a set of core values. These core values include a passion for health and fitness that is shared by all personal fitness trainers. They love what they do and are continually learning. They evidently believe in the power of positivity and honest, open communication. The founder’s vision is to open 5000 fitness centers worldwide by 2036. 

The women’s fitness center in Minnesota, as well as the other fitness centers, is run in exactly the same manner. The fitness program is in four parts. The first part is that of weight training. In this you will burn around 2000 calories each week from weight training and your metabolic response to it. In the second part, cardio training, the certified personal trainer will guide you through interval cardio during which you will burn around 600 calories. You will also increase your good cholesterol and lower your blood pressure and the heart rate besides getting your body in proper shape. In the third part, you will be trained on the importance of nutrition while in the fourth part you will be held accountable for the attainment of your health and fitness goals.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

The Excellence of Women’s Weight Training Program

There is a chain of women’s fitness training centers all over the US that is nothing like what you have been used to seeing. is an amazing organization with a vision. The purpose of this chain is to empower women through body transformation. The chain that began with the first training center in 2006 has core values among all its fitness trainers. These core values include a passion for health and fitness and a love for what they do. The ultimate mission of the organizers is to open 5000 worldwide locations by 2036 by ensuring that the franchise model developed is of a global standard. What makes these training centers unique is that all centers have the same training program that has four parts. The first part is the women’s weight training program while the other parts include cardio vascular, nutrition and accountability.

The weight training program that has been created by is one that is ideal for women. In this part of the program every trainee will increase her muscle tone by just five pounds while the resting metabolism will increase by approximately 200 calories each day. This totals up to 1400 calories by the end of the week. Since you will also burn around 200 calories during the weight-training workout, this will mean that you will actually burn around 2000 calories each week.

This will be due to weight training and your metabolic response to it. The weight training phase will be followed by cardio after which in the nutrition phase all participants will be taught what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat. In the final phase all participants will be held accountable by their personal trainers for their progress towards their health and fitness goals.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Get Cardio Vascular Training from Women Fitness Experts

There is an amazing chain of women fitness centers all over the US that has been started by Get In Shape For Women (GISFW). GISFW has centers in California, Minnesota, Florida, Illinois, Missouri and Tennessee among several other states. There are features that make these training centers ideal for women who want to remain fit. Firstly, all training centers have the same program. This program is in four parts. The first part is the weight training during which women lose around a total of 2000 calories each week. 

The second part is the Cardio program for women which is very significant since it plays a vital role in body transformation and overall health. During this phase, the personal trainer will help individual women trainees achieve their goals through expert Cardio training. This is a typical phase wherein women will be introduced to interval training. This unique form of training helps to accelerate fat and calorie burning besides lower blood pressure and hence heart rate. 

Other improvements include an increase in one’s good cholesterol and getting the heart into proper shape. When you perform three interval training Cardio work-out in a week you will burn around 200 calories per workout. This adds up to 600 calories in a week. Women trainees will burn calories for approximately two hours after the workout is complete. 

The cardio program is followed by nutrition program wherein women trainees are taught what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat. The final part is the accountability phase when all participants will be held accountable by the certified personal trainer for their individual progress towards the set health and fitness goals.